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oTENTiks at Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site

Parks & Wilderness Areas, Cabins & Cottages

603 Fort Rodd Hill Rd, Victoria, British Columbia, V9C 2W8

oTENTiks at Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site Accessibility

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Experience life within the forts walls as you fall asleep to the ocean and natures soothing sounds; and be taken back over 50 years ago when soldiers families inhabited Fort Rodd Hill during their summer camp-out. The oTENTik tents, exclusive to Parks Canada, offer a unique blend of homey comfort and a taste of outdoor adventure. They provide a unique opportunity for visitors to enjoy camping with the comfort of a bed, inside the fort, already set up and ready to go. Take advantage of the exclusive right to stay overnight in Canadas best preserved west coast artillery fort!

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