
New Westminster Museum & Archives

Museums & Heritage Sites, Accessibility

777 Columbia St, New Westminster, British Columbia, V3M 1B6

New Westminster Museum & Archives Accessibility

This business has self-assessed as having the following accessible attributes. Please contact the business directly for further detail if required.


  • Designated accessible parking near an accessible entrance that is specifically marked
  • Entrance has no steps or if there are one or more steps, there is non-slip ramp with a maximum of 5% slope
  • Entry route has a door that is at minimum 815 mm wide
  • One or more entry points are automated
Lobby Or Reception Area
  • Lowered counter at the reception or ticket desk
Restroom In Public Area
  • Adult change table and lift
  • Designated gender-neutral/family restroom that can also accommodate a support person
  • Can be reached without going up or down stairs, has a main entrance and/or stall that is a minimum 815 mm wide and has an outward swing door
  • Multiple floors with an elevator that is large enough for a 180-degree turn with a mobility device (minimum turning area of 1,500 mm in diameter)
Activities & Transportation
  • Key activities are accessible to guests using mobility devices
  • Information displays (if applicable) at a lower height
  • Accessible spaces have clear views of the main activity (i.e. stage, viewing area)


Overall Space
  • Braille/large print signage for all publicly accessible areas
  • Braille/large print restaurant menus, brochures and documents available
  • Audible alarm and/or public service system
  • Customer service staff have been trained, and prepared to verbally describe rooms, menus, business amenities and contracts/waivers in detail
  • Staff are available to accompany guests through the venue as a guide, and to describe the sights
  • Elevators (if applicable) have verbal announcements at each floor, and braille on the buttons


Overall Space
  • Accommodation has closed captioning on TVs/video boards
  • Business has a visual warning (alarm) system

Cognitive & Sensory Friendly

Overall Space
  • Neutral or muted colours that are calming and subdued
  • Subtle and/or natural lighting, no florescent or harsh lighting, and no dark shadows
  • Minimal visual clutter and obstacles
  • Door handles have colour contrast with the body of the door; doors and frames have colour contrast with adjacent walls; any glass doors are marked to make them clearly visible
  • Background noise is minimal, and alarms or auditory cues are on a low frequency
  • Fragrance-free areas
  • Staff are available to accompany guests through the venue as a guide, and to describe the sights
Signs & Navigation
  • Directional signs at key decision points, including main entrances, restrooms, lounges, and reception desks
  • Signs are clear and concise, in large, plain font with good contrast between text and background
  • Signs are well lit
Restroom In Public Area
  • Adult change table and lift
  • Entrance and exit are clearly identified on doors (including stalls and back of the main door)
  • Designated gender-neutral/family restroom that can also accommodate a support person


Supporting Programs
  • Business accepts Access2Card ( or permits a support person to accompany the customer at no cost or at a discount
Emergency Plan
  • Emergency plan includes staff trained to provide in-person assistance for people with mobility, visual, and hearing requirements
High Speed Internet Service
  • Business has high-speed internet service available for video application use

The museum consists of three galleries. The permanent gallery at Anvil Centre takes you on a journey of discovery, covering over 10,000 years of New Westminster history and ending in 2010. Gallery 7 picks up where the permanent gallery leaves off. This is a place of engagement and interaction, bringing forth the contemporary stories of our city through discussion, dialogue, and exhibition in a smaller intimate setting. The temporary gallery lets us take a deeper look into many of our city’s more interesting and thought-provoking stories, individuals, and objects. The third gallery can be found at 1865 Irving House, the former colonial home of Captain William Irving, and one of the oldest community heritage sites in B.C.

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