
Seven Stones Winery

Wineries & Wine Tours

1143 Hyw 3, Cawston, British Columbia, V0X 1C3

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Nestled on benchland overlooking the Similkameen Valley, Seven Stones Winery is well-known for its full-bodied red wines, a spectacular view and its mysterious caves. Building upon the legacy left behind by the winery founder George Hanson, Seven Stones wines are carefully crafted from Similkameen grapes. Sustainable winegrowing practises in the vineyard, along with careful but minimal winemaking in the cellar, allows production of exceptional wines that are true to their terroir. Our continued goal is to produce wines that are unmistakably identifiable as being from nowhere else in the world but from the Similkameen Valley. Our caves were built to gently age our wines in only the finest of French oak barrels.

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